All posts filed under: Lunch

Our Favorite Vegan Lunch Spot In Tokyo

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Lunch / Recipes

We love Japan and we love to travel there. But it’s a bit of a challenge to find Japanese food (which we love, too) as a vegan in Japan. Usually Japanese food is very fish based, so there is fish stock in almost every dish. But luckily there is an emerging trend called “macrobiotic food” in Japan. And macrobiotic turns out to be vegan, too 🙂 So you can find more and more cute café […]

The Easiest And Yummiest Buddha Bowl Out There

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Lunch / Popular / Recipes / Savoury

Fusce posuere tortor at mauris suscipit, ac posuere leo pellentesque. Sed convallis odio ligula, quis vehicula quam condimentum eget. Quisque eget volutpat odio. Curabitur ac mauris quis nunc vehicula porttitor et et leo. Proin sed mattis urna. Ut ullamcorper lacus sollicitudin eros consectetur, imperdiet bibendum neque dignissim. Nulla varius augue ut sodales malesuada. Aenean tincidunt bibendum tellus, congue facilisis metus elementum quis. Suspendisse potenti. Etiam scelerisque, massa nec malesuada volutpat, purus sem imperdiet metus, ac […]