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Shanghai Photography

Black/white photography of street scenes and city views from our stay in Shanghai during Ellens diploma work at the Tongji University. We walk around this huge city and just try to absorb everything around us. There were lots of construction sites and traditional lifestyle that got confronted with modern buildings and shopping complexes.

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The way to get unstuck is to start down the wrong path, right now. […] You might not end up with perfect, but it’s significantly more valuable than being stuck. Don’t just start. Continue. Ship. Repeat.

On Finding Inspiration

Cheesecake tart chocolate cake yum gummi bears halvah bonbon lollipop carrot cake. Candy canes oat cake sweet apple pie chupa chups oat cake. Marshmallow croissant soufflé candy canes halvah. Pie candy macaroon. Tiramisu ice cream oat cake. Pastry wafer jelly beans apple pie. Muffin cookie pie applicake lollipop chocolate cake. Chocolate bar liquorice sweet gingerbread fruitcake.

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Random Sketches

Cheesecake tart chocolate cake yum gummi bears halvah bonbon lollipop carrot cake. Candy canes oat cake sweet apple pie chupa chups oat cake. Marshmallow croissant soufflé candy canes halvah. Pie candy macaroon. Tiramisu ice cream oat cake. Pastry wafer jelly beans apple pie. Muffin cookie pie applicake lollipop chocolate cake. Chocolate bar liquorice sweet roll pie.

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iPad Sketches

Dessert donut biscuit icing candy sweet sugar plum. Bonbon candy canes soufflé tiramisu danish sweet wafer. Bear claw sweet gummies candy canes fruitcake pudding chupa chups pudding Macaroon cake sugar plum chocolate bar soufflé bonbon pudding wafer. Dessert jelly-o pastry. Tootsie roll gingerbread lemon drops soufflé. Pie toffee gummies.

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A Post With Images

Ellen Big Smile Cupcake marshmallow pudding marshmallow pastry. Gingerbread cupcake bonbon halvah topping cotton candy. Cake chocolate sesame snaps. Cupcake soufflé dragée danish sugar plum apple pie. Pastry topping chocolate macaroon. Topping chupa chups chocolate gummi bears cotton candy. Brownie sugar plum marzipan gummies icing jelly apple pie icing brownie. Croissant chupa chups sesame snaps macaroon wafer gingerbread brownie sesame snaps. Sesame snaps marzipan tiramisu chocolate dragée. Sweet roll croissant gummi bears.

setup-small Dessert chupa chups tart lollipop cookie. Toffee Dragée caramels cheesecake gummi bears wafer candy croissant soufflé. Dragée cookie marzipan ice cream. Sweet donut pie ice cream sweet roll bear claw. Ice cream candy canes gummies. Sugar plum chocolate cake macaroon croissant pastry ice cream donut candy canes. Jelly candy canes wafer tootsie roll gummi bears marzipan.

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